No one should just barely get through life. We should all be living our best life! Carla D. Tillery, everyone’s favorite Auntie and Life Coach, shares advice to the many questions you have to help in your life, your relationships, and your career. If you have life challenges and need the hard truth, this podcast is for you!

Episode 206 - How high is your confidence and self-esteem?

Having a healthy level of confidence and self-esteem is necessary! But so often, this grows over the years with time. For the life of the young, finding that self-value and self-worth is very hard. The social pressures to be like the rich and famous or whatever you have in your mind as great, can put your confidence and esteem to very low and unhealthy levels. But statistics indicate that the confidence of those who are over 50 is very high and stable. What do you think?

Episode 204 - Is your love language well received?

Do you know how you like people to express their love to you? Do others receive and accept the way you show love towards them? So often, relationships become complicated because one does not feel appreciated or loved. It could simply be because they like the expression of love towards them to be different than the way you show it. This applies not just to intimate relationships, but all types. Whether it is parental, siblings, friends, or lovers, as humans we naturally desire connection and love. Join the conversation on identifying your love language and exploring the love language of those in your life!

Episode 135 - What excites you about summer?

Many people enjoy the summer. For some, it brings an opportunity to be outside more, enjoy warm weather, take vacations, and enjoy more family gatherings. But for others, life is still happening and the weight of life holds them hostage. This conversation identifies strategies to preserve your mind and stay refreshed during the summer!

Episode 131 - Do you apologize even when it isn't your fault?

Do you know people who say, "I'm sorry" all the time? If we are not careful, we can over use those words to the point where they lose their power and meaning. Be sure you use it appropriately. Find out tips on how to get your point across without using those words all the time.

Episode 129 - Marriage FAQ_Part 1

Do you know of questions that are frequently asked of married couples? The life coach has been married nearly 30 years. Together with her husband, they answer questions that they get asked often about their marriage. Join the ride to find about their love story and how they have handled situations in their married life. (Part 1 of 2)

Episode 122 - Should I tell my friend that I think their partner is cheating?

To tell or not to tell! It can be extremely uncomfortable to see your friend's partner out with someone else in a compromising situation that makes you suspect cheating. If you're not sure if you should tell your friend or not, tune in to see if you can find some direction or guidance on this complicated issue.

Episode 121 - Why aren't marriages lasting long?

What is so different about marriages today compared to marriages of a few generations back? Marriages aren't lasting as long as they did before. The divorce rate is at about 50% and trends are showing that it continues to go higher. Join in as observations are explored about marriages among different generations.