No one should just barely get through life. We should all be living our best life! Carla D. Tillery, everyone’s favorite Auntie and Life Coach, shares advice to the many questions you have to help in your life, your relationships, and your career. If you have life challenges and need the hard truth, this podcast is for you!

Episode 213 - How do you recover from a broken relationship?

Valentine's Day - the day to celebrate love! Well, what if you just ended a relationship? This time of the year, near Valentine's Day, can be more challenging for those who want to be in a relationship with someone and are not. Whether you are single, divorced, widowed, or just broke up with the one you loved, tune in as Life Coach shares strategies to help you get through.

Episode 210 - What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

Ever worked for someone who was very demanding? They gave orders but didn't create a team environment that you wanted to be a part of? Companies looking to fill management roles often need to hire a leader not a manager. Great leaders create a different work experience and help elevate the company in a special way. This discussion focuses on the different characteristics of a leader versus a manager. Which characteristics do you exhibit?

Episode 209 - What distractions hold you back from success?

Everyone has moments of distractions that prohibit us from doing things we want to do. But we must be mindful to not let distractions, excuses, or barriers be the reason why we don't continue our pursuit of happiness, accomplishing our goals, and more. Are you even aware of what your distractions are? Are you aware of how you use excuse after excuse to not fulfill your dreams in life? Join in on the discussion to see how to avoid distractions holding you back!

Episode 208 - What influences your perspective on the new year?

There are many people who love the start of a new year. It is an opportunity to restart and reimagine goals, desires, self-improvement, and more. For others, it is just another date on the calendar. Nothing is special or unique about a new year. It more or less represents more of the same...blah blah blah. But what actually shapes one's thinking about their perspective on a new year? Do you know what influences your perspective? Join in and chime in on the different influences shared by the life coach.

Episode 206 - How high is your confidence and self-esteem?

Having a healthy level of confidence and self-esteem is necessary! But so often, this grows over the years with time. For the life of the young, finding that self-value and self-worth is very hard. The social pressures to be like the rich and famous or whatever you have in your mind as great, can put your confidence and esteem to very low and unhealthy levels. But statistics indicate that the confidence of those who are over 50 is very high and stable. What do you think?

Episode 205 - What should I do with my life after 50?

Everybody should know what to expect and how to live after the age of 50. This episode is for EVRYBODY, not just those who are 50 and older! Learning from others as a foundation of preparation for you can give you the best heads up. Join in as we share strategies and ideas to help get you over the hill with strength and courage!

Episode 127 - Do you know how to love yourself?

Many of us know how to give ourselves self-care. That's easy! But do you know how to give self-love? They are not one in the same. So take this journey with the life coach and learn the things necessary to love yourself! You owe it to yourself.

Episode 123 - Do you believe in setting resolutions?

At the onset of every new year, many people create resolutions. Some believe there is no point and others find it helpful. No matter what you believe, this podcast explores how to R.E.S.E.T. for the new year. Get started. Don't delay. Set yourself up for the start of a great year!