No one should just barely get through life. We should all be living our best life! Carla D. Tillery, everyone’s favorite Auntie and Life Coach, shares advice to the many questions you have to help in your life, your relationships, and your career. If you have life challenges and need the hard truth, this podcast is for you!

Episode 213 - How do you recover from a broken relationship?

Valentine's Day - the day to celebrate love! Well, what if you just ended a relationship? This time of the year, near Valentine's Day, can be more challenging for those who want to be in a relationship with someone and are not. Whether you are single, divorced, widowed, or just broke up with the one you loved, tune in as Life Coach shares strategies to help you get through.

Episode 208 - What influences your perspective on the new year?

There are many people who love the start of a new year. It is an opportunity to restart and reimagine goals, desires, self-improvement, and more. For others, it is just another date on the calendar. Nothing is special or unique about a new year. It more or less represents more of the same...blah blah blah. But what actually shapes one's thinking about their perspective on a new year? Do you know what influences your perspective? Join in and chime in on the different influences shared by the life coach.

Episode 204 - Is your love language well received?

Do you know how you like people to express their love to you? Do others receive and accept the way you show love towards them? So often, relationships become complicated because one does not feel appreciated or loved. It could simply be because they like the expression of love towards them to be different than the way you show it. This applies not just to intimate relationships, but all types. Whether it is parental, siblings, friends, or lovers, as humans we naturally desire connection and love. Join the conversation on identifying your love language and exploring the love language of those in your life!

Episode 203 - What shouldn't I say to my children?

As a parent or guardian, you do everything you can to ensure that your child has the best life possible. From buying clothes, food, giving them a comfortable place to grow up, making sure they get an education, and the list goes on. Parents even try to give their children a sense of purpose and value. But while the intentions are pure, the weight and responsibility of life can be heavy on parents. Things can be said that are harmful to children unknowingly. Join in to discover how words can impact our children. Parents, be careful what you say!

Episode 202 - What shouldn't I say to the people I love?

Often times we unintentionally hurt the people we love. Why is that? We love them; we want them in our life. But the power of our words can hurt them emotionally and push them away. Let's be careful with our words and understand that there are simply things we shouldn't say to the very people we love and care about the most!

Episode 200 - Power of Words

We need to really be thoughtful about what we say! We use words to communicate, express, and describe ideas, thoughts, dreams, feelings, emotions, places, people, things, and MORE. But we underestimate the power of words and how they create spaces, reveal character, and impact us and those around us. Join in on the Season 2 opener, a live broadcast, where Life Coach Carla and co-host LA discuss the power of words and its impact in the universe. Watch what you say!

Episode 126 - How are you preparing for greatness?

Preparation is a setup for greatness! We often want to skip the preparation period in the process. Preparation takes time, intentionality, focus, and hard work. Sometimes things get messy and unpredictable. But if you want a great end result, you've got to prepare!

Episode 125 - How do you live a successful life?

If you don't have one, you need one! Most businesses have a business strategic plan to set the direction of the company to be successful. But do you have a personal strategic plan to set the direction of your life to be successful? Learn why it is so important to have one and explore how to develop one to live a successful life.

Episode 124 - How do you define success?

Is success defined as having wealth, respect, and fame? Success really is defined by people in different ways. Explore how you define success and compare it to that of the Life Coach. Is it the same or is it different? Becoming self-aware and defining what success means to you is the first step in creating a life that truly makes you happy!