No one should just barely get through life. We should all be living our best life! Carla D. Tillery, everyone’s favorite Auntie and Life Coach, shares advice to the many questions you have to help in your life, your relationships, and your career. If you have life challenges and need the hard truth, this podcast is for you!

Episode 206 - How high is your confidence and self-esteem?

Having a healthy level of confidence and self-esteem is necessary! But so often, this grows over the years with time. For the life of the young, finding that self-value and self-worth is very hard. The social pressures to be like the rich and famous or whatever you have in your mind as great, can put your confidence and esteem to very low and unhealthy levels. But statistics indicate that the confidence of those who are over 50 is very high and stable. What do you think?