Having a healthy level of confidence and self-esteem is necessary! But so often, this grows over the years with time. For the life of the young, finding that self-value and self-worth is very hard. The social pressures to be like the rich and famous or whatever you have in your mind as great, can put your confidence and esteem to very low and unhealthy levels. But statistics indicate that the confidence of those who are over 50 is very high and stable. What do you think?
No one should just barely get through life. We should all be living our best life! Carla D. Tillery, everyone’s favorite Auntie and Life Coach, shares advice to the many questions you have to help in your life, your relationships, and your career. If you have life challenges and need the hard truth, this podcast is for you!
Episode 205 - What should I do with my life after 50?→
/ Carla D. TilleryEverybody should know what to expect and how to live after the age of 50. This episode is for EVRYBODY, not just those who are 50 and older! Learning from others as a foundation of preparation for you can give you the best heads up. Join in as we share strategies and ideas to help get you over the hill with strength and courage!
Episode 131 - Do you apologize even when it isn't your fault?→
/ Carla D. TilleryDo you know people who say, "I'm sorry" all the time? If we are not careful, we can over use those words to the point where they lose their power and meaning. Be sure you use it appropriately. Find out tips on how to get your point across without using those words all the time.
Episode 130 - Check-In! How are you doing?→
/ Carla D. TilleryHas someone checked-in on you lately? Have you checked in with your friends and family to see how they really are doing? Well it is definitely time for us to do our check-in. Accountability partners are a great asset to help you to accomplish those things you say you want.
Episode 124 - How do you define success?→
/ Carla D. TilleryIs success defined as having wealth, respect, and fame? Success really is defined by people in different ways. Explore how you define success and compare it to that of the Life Coach. Is it the same or is it different? Becoming self-aware and defining what success means to you is the first step in creating a life that truly makes you happy!