No one should just barely get through life. We should all be living our best life! Carla D. Tillery, everyone’s favorite Auntie and Life Coach, shares advice to the many questions you have to help in your life, your relationships, and your career. If you have life challenges and need the hard truth, this podcast is for you!

Episode 201 - What shouldn't I say at work?

It is very easy to let your guard down once you have become comfortable in an environment. Many of us spend a majority of our time at work building our career. Much of that time is spent working with our coworkers and bosses, who may eventually become our friends. While this can be a very positive thing, we must be careful to maintain professionalism. A slip of the tongue could cost us our reputation, be perceived negatively, and/or impact our career growth and development. So be careful, our words have power!